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Runtime API Examples

This page demonstrates usage of some of the runtime APIs provided by VitePress.

The main useData() API can be used to access site, theme, and page data for the current page. It works in both .md and .vue files:

<script setup>
import { useData } from 'vitepress'

const { theme, page, frontmatter } = useData()

## Results

### Theme Data
<pre>{{ theme }}</pre>

### Page Data
<pre>{{ page }}</pre>

### Page Frontmatter
<pre>{{ frontmatter }}</pre>


Theme Data

  "search": {
    "provider": "local"
  "nav": [
      "text": "Home",
      "link": "/"
      "text": "Examples",
      "link": "/examples/markdown-examples"
  "sidebar": {
    "tech": [
        "items": [
            "text": "(转)怎么学习开发网站",
            "link": "/tech/how-to-learn-website-development"
            "text": "VSCode解决终端的中文乱码问题",
            "link": "/tech/vscode-terminal-Chinese-garbled-characters"
            "text": "electron开发之mac签名和公证",
            "link": "/tech/electron-mac-sign"
            "text": "记一次线上mysql启动失败的问题",
            "link": "/tech/mysql-error"
            "text": "如何用vitepress+cloudflare pages搭建博客",
            "link": "/tech/vitepress-blog"
    "other": [
        "items": [
            "text": "闲鱼学习法",
            "link": "/other/xianyu-based-learning"
    "examples": [
        "text": "Examples",
        "items": [
            "text": "Markdown Examples",
            "link": "/examples/markdown-examples"
            "text": "API Examples",
            "link": "/examples/api-examples"
  "socialLinks": [
      "icon": "github",
      "link": ""

Page Data

  "title": "Runtime API Examples",
  "description": "",
  "frontmatter": {
    "outline": "deep"
  "headers": [],
  "relativePath": "examples/",
  "filePath": "examples/"

Page Frontmatter

  "outline": "deep"


Check out the documentation for the full list of runtime APIs.